Community Engagement Solutions

Music-based activities
Through music, movement, and free play, families will flock to sessions. A volunteer team from your church, church plant, or missional community works together to ensure families are welcomed and cared for, and that Jesus is revealed through everything they do. mainly Ministries supported through the provision of resources, so the team aren't looking at a blank page or wondering 'what next?'
Suitable for those responsible for children from baby to school-age.

Story-based activities
Read a story, make a craft, learn, and play. Families find these sessions nurturing, calm, and highly engaging. Team Members comment how relationships are going deep. Questions are asked by parents because there is lots of time to chat. It’s like a little oasis. And especially for those children with additional needs, the curriculum has supported their learning.
Suitable for those with children aged from 18 months to school-age.

Not-yet-crawling babies
Through interactive music, you'll be helping families connect, with their little one, as their journey of parenting starts. Parents will engage with their not-yet-crawling baby through music and activities that are designed to establish a solid relationship. Sessions can be face-to-face or on-line. These eight-week series of sessions provides those on maternity leave with the chance to gather their tribe. Whether baby is the first or subsequent, these sessions are designed to nurture the parent so they can nurture not-yet-crawling baby.

Solutions that ensure a sense of ‘we own this’
A story from one of our partners:
Sarah came to our group three years ago for a very short time with two pre-schoolers. She was open to deeper life discussions. In time, she came to church, attended both a long story short and Alpha course, loved what Jesus offered and was baptised!
In her testimony, she shared about the wonderful hospitality (meals) and support offered by a team member at a very low time in her life. She is now involved with our CAP (Christians Against Poverty) ministry.
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Solutions that strategically connect
Stories from our partners:
#1: Every 2-3 weeks, we say, “We are members at this church and ...” One Vietnamese lady asked, “What is Easter about?” Sandra was able to chat about Easter. This mother comes from another faith background but has friends who are followers of Jesus. In response to the conversation, Sandra put out a paper about Easter, giving simple Bible references that could be looked up on their phones.
#2: Peter, our Minister, has been grabbing a coffee with Brett, one of the dads. They sit during morning tea to explore faith using The Word One-to-One resource.Last year, the church decided to run an Alpha for the families who come to our group.
Three mums attended. One mum who has faith but didn't read her Bible; now she does. Another Alpha is planned. This time to be held in the evenings at a workplace; a kitchen outlet. More mums have signed up.
#3: Two families are now attending church since we started the group five months ago. One has been going to a Bible study group. After getting to know more families through the sessions, they felt comfortable to attend church on a Sunday.
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