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Needed and known

Needed and known

Have you ever walked into a room, scanned it quickly, and realised you know … no-one?

For the evangelist, this is pure gold. So many people to talk to and find out where their faith is at. For the gregarious, who loves an audience or to be amongst the life of the party, what a dream!

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  • Kingdom
  • Volunteers
Revealing Jesus

Revealing Jesus

There is no such thing as winning.

Yes, you read that correctly. Maybe you disagree. Let me contextualise – there is no such thing as winning when it comes to revealing Jesus. It’s not a race. Maybe you think it is on the basis you’ll get a bigger mansion in heaven. Careful. We’ll hang out at your place, for all eternity.

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  • Kingdom
  • Peace
Being non-anxious in a room of loneliness

Being non-anxious in a room of loneliness

We think it began with the pandemic, but in fact, anxiety has been on the rise for years. It’s close cousin, loneliness, also began way before isolation and restrictions. Strangely enough, both anxiety and loneliness are found in the lives of followers of Jesus. No-one is immune.
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  • Kingdom
  • Strategy
Every connection is significant

Every connection is significant

Did you realise how transactional the on-line interaction space is? We sign into a meeting, we speak and interact, we sign out. There’s really no space for ‘bumping into’ someone we recognise as we walk through the room. There’s not an easy way to say, “Why don’t we find a seat and chat about …” As we walk across the carpark, we can’t wave out to a friend we haven’t seen for a while and stop to chat. 
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According to Dictionary.com, the word ‘worry’ is defined as ‘a worried condition or feeling’ and ‘a cause of uneasiness or anxiety; trouble.’ Melanie Greenberg, a clinical psychologist, and author of the book, ‘The Stress-Proof Brain’, asserts that 85% of the things people worry about actually never happen.

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  • Baby
  • Depression
  • Mothers
When she’s more than sad

When she’s more than sad

Perinatal depression and anxiety (PDA) is a collective term that refers to both antenatal depression (before baby is born) and postnatal depression (after baby is born). As many as one in seven women will experience perinatal depression, and their partners can also. 
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  • Peace
  • Strengths
  • Volunteers
People of peace

People of peace

Love, joy, peace

How do we notice people of peace?

Through prayer and the prompt of the Holy Spirit. As well as asking, “Who is in need, Jesus? Make me aware of this person today,” ask, “Holy Spirit, please prompt me to notice where You are already working.”

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  • Kingdom
  • Parenting
  • Strategy
Not A Formula

Not A Formula

One former church leader discussed how they had strategically considered the use of their sessions. Rather than seeing this as a standalone ministry, they thought of them as a platform.
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